Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hedley Trip

Thirty years ago, Hedley, with his wife Mary and daughter Katie, Visited the Niah Caves in Sarawak, East Malaysia. They travelled by car, ferry and boat.
They sat off from Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei and drove to the border with Sarawak. They crossed two large rivers by ferry, stopped in Miri for launch and then continued to Niah, a small river township. Then they took a small boat and soiled upriver to a government rest house, where they spent the night. They ate with the small group of scientists who lived in the rest house and shared the cold drinks they had brought with them in a cool box. It was a remote spot, deep in the jungle. They slept in bunk beds with no air-conditioning. It reached a novel experience.
The next morning, they walked along a jungle path for half an hour until they reached the Niah Cave. Inside the caves, which were very high, they saw men who climbed up tall bamboo poles. The men wore lights on their hats because it was so dark. At the top of the poles they scraped off birds' nests from the roof of the caves. The nests were collected by their mates on the cave floor and put into sacks. These nests were later sold and made into bird's nest soup, a Chinese delicacy.
That afternoon, they said goodbye to their new-found friends in the rest house and set off on the long drive home. It was quite an adventure and one they would never forget.

How to Change a tyer

If you have a car, it's important to know how to change a tyre especially if there is no garage nearby to help out. In this easy, I will write the steps about how to change a tyre.
This is what must be done .First, after stopping and parking in a safe place, the wheel nuts are loosened. This should be done before the car i s raised; using the jack. Then the car is jacked up. Then the nuts and wheel are removed. After that the spare wheel is put on. Then the nuts are lightered and the car is lowered. The nuts are tightened again. Finally, your tools are packed away.
As you can see, changing a tyre is a very simple and straight forward process, but you must follow the above steps in the correct order, particularly the first step of loosening the wheel nuts before you raise the vehicle.
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Reflection 2

Reflection on process writing

When the task is to describe a process using the passive voice/mood, we must use the present passive.

This is formed by using is or are with the past participle, e.g.

Orange juice is stored in a fridge.

The oranges are transported in trucks to the factory.

If we fail to use the passive when we are specifically asked to do so, we are dropped a quarter band, which can mean the difference between passing & failing.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I am going to talk about my English writing. I started to write English when I was 6 years old. At that time till high school, my English writing was very bad. All those years I nearly passed in writing. It was really hard to do a good writing. When I joined Abu Dhabi Men's College, and that was in 2003, a big change happened to my writing. First, I started learning grammar, how to make letters, informal letters, emails. Also, in college, I did many writings that helped me a lot. But in the first and second years, I didn't get a good mark in writing. In the third year, I did much good writing and I did get a good mark. I think, I learnt many things about writing in college because, there were good teachers and the English course was easy to understand.
Now I'm completing my study in college and I'm sure that my English writing will improve.

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How to make butter

Many people like to eat butter but not many people know how to make it. Here is the procedure, step by step for making your own butter.
First of all, check the fresh milk to be sure about quality and fat content. Second, leave the milk in a cool area. After that, separate the cream and churn the cream with milk. In addition drain the buttermilk from the butter. After that, place the butter in a jar. Moreover, wash the butter with cold water, to remove any remaining buttermilk. Add a small amount of salt for flavor. Finally, cut and wrap the butter and store it in a fridge.
In conclusion, those steps are the best way to get a nice butter

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Desert Trip

How to prepare for a desert trip

Deserts are dangerous places and if you don't prepare yourself before, you may get lost or die. It's important to get everything with you before making a trip.

     First of all, inform your family or friends that you are going for a desert trip. Second, bring a GPS machine, to know your location well. After that, make sure you get enough food and water. Then, you should check up your 4wheel before the trip, to avoid any problems that may happen in future. Also, the petrol is important; put in extra petrol. Then, don't forget your camping tools, like tent, wood, cooking tools. After that, try to find  a known place, so that it will be easy to find you if you get lost in the desert.

    Finally, if you prepare yourself well, it will be a nice trip without problems. A trip with someone who has experience of desert trips is better than a lone trip.

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