Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I am going to talk about my English writing. I started to write English when I was 6 years old. At that time till high school, my English writing was very bad. All those years I nearly passed in writing. It was really hard to do a good writing. When I joined Abu Dhabi Men's College, and that was in 2003, a big change happened to my writing. First, I started learning grammar, how to make letters, informal letters, emails. Also, in college, I did many writings that helped me a lot. But in the first and second years, I didn't get a good mark in writing. In the third year, I did much good writing and I did get a good mark. I think, I learnt many things about writing in college because, there were good teachers and the English course was easy to understand.
Now I'm completing my study in college and I'm sure that my English writing will improve.

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How to make butter

Many people like to eat butter but not many people know how to make it. Here is the procedure, step by step for making your own butter.
First of all, check the fresh milk to be sure about quality and fat content. Second, leave the milk in a cool area. After that, separate the cream and churn the cream with milk. In addition drain the buttermilk from the butter. After that, place the butter in a jar. Moreover, wash the butter with cold water, to remove any remaining buttermilk. Add a small amount of salt for flavor. Finally, cut and wrap the butter and store it in a fridge.
In conclusion, those steps are the best way to get a nice butter

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