Thursday, March 24, 2011

Abu Dhabi Traffic

Like many cities worldwide, Abu Dhabi suffers from traffic congestion and parking problems. This essay examines the causes and the possible solution to the problem.

Let's begin with causes. The most obvious cause is economic development, not in Abu Dhabi only, but in the Gulf Countries. Everyone knows that Abu Dhabi has become one of the big economic cities in the world. Many construction sites are built and in this situation you see a lot of heavy and slow vehicles on the roads, which make serious traffic jams. In addition, it's easy to buy a car, in the UAE. Any bank can give you a loan, if your salary is above 5,000 AED. Also the petrol is cheap. Another cause is growing population. There is a big difference between 30 years ago and now. As a result, an increase by 90% in the population since 30 years ago. The local families became bigger and each family has more than two cars. Also the rich foreign families in Abu Dhabi have more than one car, which means a lot of cars in Abu Dhabi. However, people in Abu Dhabi are using cars because there is not enough public transports. Also, it's hard to find a parking place in a lot of Abu Dhabi areas, so people are parking the car in the road and the roads became smaller and the traffic is increased.

As there are many causes,so there are many solutions. One of the solutions is to improve the existing roads and improve public transport like, buses, taxi and metro. Another solution is to make many highways and bigger roads. The paid parking is a good solution in Abu Dhabi and it has made a change in many areas around Abu Dhabi. Also, the government should make sure the new buildings have underground parking.

Finally, Abu Dhabi government has established a new department which is  the Department of Transport. They work hard to solve the problems about traffic. My opinion is the metro in Abu Dhabi will improve the transport and reduce the traffic

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Growth of Urban Agglomeration, 1950-2015

The chart shows the population of nine cities over the past sixty years, and the next five years.

The chart shows an increase in population in all cities, except London. The population in London between 1950 and 1970, was around 8 million but in 2000 it became around 6 million and it shows the same in 2015. In New York City there is no big change since 1970 to now, from about  12M to 16M  in 2000, rising to 17M in 2015.  The other 7 cities show a huge change in population. Cairo will reach almost 14M by 2015, from about 2.5M in1950. The rise in Mexico City is double, from about 8M by 1970 to almost 16M in 2015. By 2015, Lagos City, Bombay City and Tokyo City will all see a massive increase around 23-26M in population, from about 2-6M in 1950.

Only London has a fall in population, 1950-2015. While the other 8 cities show a crazy growth in population.

158 Words

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Young people and drugs

 Drugs cause multiple problems to communities. Most countries have lost billions of dollars because of drugs. Now, most of the drug dealers are young people.

If we start asking why young people take drugs we will find many answers. The main reason is parents. Some parents are busy at work and when they come back home, they finish work late. The second most important reason is school. School is responsible for the students; if the young people find bad students, who are already drugs users, it's easy to become a drug user. Another reason is leisure time. Young people spend it in parties or very dangerous places where it is easy to get drugs. The fourth reason is the police. If we have good police officers, the drug dealers are struggling to sell the drugs. Also, if you know bad friends, it’s easy to be drug users.

To fix this, first all ,the government, police, society and family must cooperate. Then the family should give their children some time. They should know where they are going, and who are their friends. The school is important and has to put strong rules on drugs and students who are drugs users. The young people must use their free time in sport or a favorite hobby. However, the police or government should make drugs the first priority. Finally, good company is always needed; we should choose our friends clearly and carefully.

In conclusion, drugs destroy everything easily; millions of families were destroyed because of drugs. My opinion is to choose your friends carefully because good friends show us the good way always.

272 words     

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Egyptian Joy as Mubarak Resigns (12th February, 2011)

·       Matching
1.    Erupted = broke out 
2.    Protests = demonstrations 
3.    Vowed = promised 
4.    Wild = crazy
5.    Welcomed = greeted 
6.    Solidarity =unity 
7.    Dictator = absolute ruler 
8.    Inspiration = encouragement
9.    Overcome = defeat
10. Express = communicate