Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Growth of Urban Agglomeration, 1950-2015

The chart shows the population of nine cities over the past sixty years, and the next five years.

The chart shows an increase in population in all cities, except London. The population in London between 1950 and 1970, was around 8 million but in 2000 it became around 6 million and it shows the same in 2015. In New York City there is no big change since 1970 to now, from about  12M to 16M  in 2000, rising to 17M in 2015.  The other 7 cities show a huge change in population. Cairo will reach almost 14M by 2015, from about 2.5M in1950. The rise in Mexico City is double, from about 8M by 1970 to almost 16M in 2015. By 2015, Lagos City, Bombay City and Tokyo City will all see a massive increase around 23-26M in population, from about 2-6M in 1950.

Only London has a fall in population, 1950-2015. While the other 8 cities show a crazy growth in population.

158 Words

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