Thursday, May 19, 2011

Argument essay: Mobile phone

Should using mobile phone while driving be banned?

Those days, many accidents happen because people are using mobile phone while driving. What are the pros and cons of using mobile phone?

One of the main argument againsts banning is using mobile phones, for emergency cases; if something happen to your car, or you get lost, you need your mobile phone to call someone to help you. There is also the late argument that, if you get stuck because is an accident in front of you, you need to call your supervisor to inform him that you are late, or any one who is waiting for you.

There are, however, many arguments in favor with of bannig. With the statistic shown by police every year about the number of accidents caused by mobile phones, it is not necessary to use it while you are driving. I agree with governments that they make fines for those who are using mobile phones while driving. However, you can use your mobile in your car, but you need to find a safe place to park before using it. It is very difficult to do two thing safely and simultaneously if one of them is driving.

Having your mobile phone in your car is possible but you need to find a safe place to park before using it. Otherwise you can use a mobile phone while driving only for emergency cases.

225 words

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