Friday, May 20, 2011

Argument essay: Smoking

It has become common today to be against smoking. However, in my opinion, while smoking is harmful in some ways, I believe that it is beneficial in others. Let me first deal with the positive side of smoking.

The first point is, smoking people say, it makes them feel relaxed. For example, many people like to smoke before doing any important thing. Another argument is it’s an individual freedom; people can smoke in any place, if they don't see a "no-smoking" board.

Nowadays, governments and people know how dangerous smoking is. For example, smoking can cause many diseases like, cancers, heart diseases and death. Governments all over the world have banned commercials for smoking. Also, smokers spend a lot of money on cigarettes. Another argument is smokers can easily smoke marijuana or any kind of drugs, and that may destroy their lives. My opinion is, cigarettes are dangerous for people, especially kids and cost billions of dollars to cure people that get damaged by smoking.

In general, I feel that the world will  be a better place without smoking. Some places, like restaurants, bus stations, airplanes and public areas, should be completely no-smoking.

210 words

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